Buckets and Objects
I like to think of them as directories which can contain files in them and the files are known as "Objects" and directories are known as "Buckets".
Bucket name must be unique across the whole world and it can't have uppercases or underscores, etc.
Buckets need to be defined at which region they are, so buckets are a regional thing.
You can configure the bucket for website hosting and host a static file on S3 if you upload the website files. To access the website, you're bucket must be public otherwise you get a 403 (Forbidden) error.
Can enable versioning to create multiple versions of your file, to protect against accidental deletes and to roll back to a previous version of a file.
You can use S3 access logs to log all the access to S3 buckets and objects, so you can see causes of issues and any suspicious activity.
Can't change its region or name after creation.
Can't have buckets within buckets.
Consists of a file and some metadata that describes the file.
Key is the full file path; it identifies the object within a bucket.
Max size for an object is 5TB (this isn't needed for the exam but it's just a good fact to know).
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