Storage Comparison

  • S3 - Object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere.

  • Glacier - Long-term, secure, durable Amazon S3 object storage.

  • Elastic File System (EFS) - Scalable, elastic, cloud-native NFS file system; only for Linux instances.

  • FSx for Windows File Server - Fully managed file storage built on Windows Server.

  • FSx for Lustre - Fast and scalable shared storage to power your compute workloads; POSIX compliant.

  • Elastic Block Store (EBS) - Easy to use, high performance block storage at any scale.

  • EC2 Instance Store - Physically attached, temporary, block-level storage for your instance with very high IOPS.

  • Storage Gateway - On-premises access to virtually unlimited cloud storage.

  • Snowball - Petabyte-scale data transport.

  • Snowmobile - Migrate or transport exabyte-scale data.

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